The first in the A Land of Canaan series, Seek Me with all your Heart is a story about three Amish families who moved from Ohio and Pennsylvania to settle in Colorado. Each family had a reason for the move that they preferred to keep secret. However, as they spent time together and began to interact with an English member of the area, all the secrets come to light and they experience a new freedom in their lives.
Beth Wiseman deals with very real issues (bitterness, illness, financial issues, unforgiveness and loneliness) that many families face in today’s world, each issue particular to various members of the families. She brings them through heartache and tears into a life that is much better than they had ever thought possible.
I found this book very refreshing and dealing with more of todays issues than many of the other Amish fiction books that I have read. I look forward to reading more of the books in this series as they become available.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
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