Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Girl in the Gatehouse by Julie Klassen.

A difficult book to put down, Julie Klassen has woven a story that incorporates elements from her favorite author, Jane Austin. Like Jane Austin, Miriah Aubrey is a secret authoress, though this is not why she now lives in the gatehouse.

Mariah has been sent away from her family home and banished to the gatehouse of Windrush Court, the estate where her aunt lives. When her Aunt Fran gives her a key to a trunk and then has that trunk moved to the gatehouse prior to her dying, a series of secrets begin to unfold. Secrets that Miriah, Hugh Prin-Hallsey (the heir), Captain Matthew Bryant (the new tenant of Windrush Court) and a mysterious Captain Prince all have. As you move through the book, the secrets begin to be revealed. Don’t expect to find out all before you reach the end of the book though.   

Each of these characters has a story to tell that will eventually affect Miriah and the future of Windrush Court.

I suggest that you, the reader of historical fiction, take the time to enjoy The Girl in the Gatehouse. You may find it as difficult to put down as I did.

I received this book to review for free from Bethany House.

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